Streamlining Processes

Did you know that while numbers vary by industry and sector, the majority of an organization’s documents are still archived in paper form?

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your business processes and re-engineering them with security, sustainability and productivity in mind.

Once we’ve mapped out the flow of information around your business, we can transform physical operations such as print and mailrooms. Or apply intelligent, rules-based workflows to minimise human intervention. And create real-time dashboards so that the entire business has oversight of business process efficiencies.

The costs of an inefficient hiring process

From the largest Fortune 100 Company to the smallest local government, an organization derives its value from the foundation of its employees. Quality employees can drive...

Create a happier community with Ricoh

Local governments have many vital goals, such as providing social welfare services, maintaining parks, managing local public transportation and more. However, perhaps the...

Get your SMB out of the 80s

Is your business still using outdated business processes that were put in place years ago? A surprising number of businesses are still using them. Here are three common v...

Document security in daily business processes

Data drives business. It’s more available today to aid decision making than ever before. This makes it more valuable than ever. As we’ve learned from the seeming multitud...

Delivering a positive customer experience for competitive differentiation

Keeping the customer satisfied through every phase of their journey with a product or brand—also known as maintaining a good customer experience—has been receiving an inc...

How CFOs & CIOs can drive value

The Wall Street Journal cites the critical importance of a team-centric C-Suite. They call it the Symphonic C-Suite where each member of the C-Suite brings their unique s...
Top 5 processes to digitise in the Finance Dept

Finance processes that you must digitise

Finance is the heart of an organisation. However, many finance teams rely on inefficient, manual processes for their key tasks. According to a study by the Aberdeen Gro...

Don’t let 19th-century laws hold you back

Recently, it was discovered that 19th-century legislation that is still on the books forces the federal government to spend large amounts of money printing every new law ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...