Simplifying Technology

How can you simplify technology while optimizing the value of IT investments and infrastructure?

These days we often hear it said that investing in IT infrastructure will help employees to be more productive.

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your workforce and creating specific end-user personas, tailored to help your staff work in the way that is most productive. We design and implement hardware and software solutions that foster collaboration and supply infrastructural IT that ensures 24/7 uptime, support, backups and security

Digital Transformation – Just a Buzzword?

The short answer is “No”. Maybe Digital Transformation started as a buzzword, but most buzzwords generate from real challenges that businesses are facing today. There is...

Implantable devices: Workplace of the future

Next year the World Wide Web will be celebrating the Big 3-0, yes, the internet will be 30 years old.  It’s almost impossible to imagine our working lives without the int...

REX saves money, improves efficiency and increases employee satisfaction at Rico...

"Practise what you preach" is not just a catch phrase at Ricoh, it’s a way of life. As a global tech company that specialises in business services, imaging equipment, production print solutions...

How our meetings are changing for good

The productivity gap is a growing concern among businesses everywhere and those truly engaged are looking for new ways to increase the per hour output of employees. But c...

Whiteboards: How they can enhance collaboration

Before the emergence of interactive flat panel displays (IFPDs) — commonly known as interactive whiteboards (IWBs) — collaboration between offices often consisted of exch...

Do whiteboards make sense for businesses?

By David Danto The Interactive Multimedia & Collaborative Communications Alliance (IMCCA)  For years, interactive whiteboards (IWB) — perhaps more accurately refe...

Embracing technology for a better tomorrow

Education is the platform that allows young adults to build a better future for themselves, their family and their country. According to an IDC research, workflow digitis...

Springwater: Township that values information

It’s easy to make promises and share emotional stories that tug at the heartstrings, but what makes a municipal government actually successful is showing its residents – ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...