Simplifying Technology

How can you simplify technology while optimizing the value of IT investments and infrastructure?

These days we often hear it said that investing in IT infrastructure will help employees to be more productive.

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your workforce and creating specific end-user personas, tailored to help your staff work in the way that is most productive. We design and implement hardware and software solutions that foster collaboration and supply infrastructural IT that ensures 24/7 uptime, support, backups and security

Digitise your records to ensure compliance

There are many things schools have to do in order to remain compliant. Often, small tasks can cause real administrative challenges for already overworked staff. Canada’s ...

Mobile solutions: Serve your constituents better

In this technological age, an increasing number of constituents are accessing public sector information through their mobile devices. As the millennials who have grown up...

Do whiteboards make sense for businesses?

By David Danto The Interactive Multimedia & Collaborative Communications Alliance (IMCCA)  For years, interactive whiteboards (IWB) — perhaps more accurately refe...

5 reasons cleaning your data is vital to your organization

By: Natasha Doucas Bad data is typically categorized as erroneous, duplicate, personal or sensitive in nature, but there's more to it than that. Bad data can also be def...

Improving clinical interactions with information

Quality patient care starts with information, but access and collaboration between patients and caregivers can be challenging with critical information coming from so man...

Case Study: Mount Pearl’s employee recruitment

Located in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the city of Mount Pearl is the second largest city in the province and hires up to 25 temporary employees every year. Until ...
How Records Management Fits into Local Governments

How records management can help governments

The way particular local governments organize their departments may vary, but all governments need to fulfill the essential functions which these departments provide.  F...

REX saves money, improves efficiency and increases employee satisfaction at Rico...

"Practise what you preach" is not just a catch phrase at Ricoh, it’s a way of life. As a global tech company that specialises in business services, imaging equipment, production print solutions...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...