Streamlining Processes

Did you know that while numbers vary by industry and sector, the majority of an organization’s documents are still archived in paper form?

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your business processes and re-engineering them with security, sustainability and productivity in mind.

Once we’ve mapped out the flow of information around your business, we can transform physical operations such as print and mailrooms. Or apply intelligent, rules-based workflows to minimise human intervention. And create real-time dashboards so that the entire business has oversight of business process efficiencies.

How to build a data driven security strategy

As organizations operate in a more distributed way, with both remote and in-office employees, attack surfaces multiply and security management becomes increasingly comple...

A print operations manager’s checklist

The number of mail pieces moving through the Postal Service is on the upswing, and marketers are again eyeing traditional mail as a viable vehicle to reach customers and ...

3 reasons you need AP automation NOW

Accounts Payable (AP) is one of those business-critical departments that likely conjure up a fairly intimidating scene in your head – your frazzled AP team poring over fi...

Simplify your accounts receivable process

Optimizing an Accounts Receivable (AR) process can substantially improve an organization's bottom line. This is particularly important for local governments who face incr...

Ideal municipal government: Simplify your training

One of the most important functions of an HR department involves training and on-boarding new hires. When done effectively, these processes can make the difference betwee...

Case Study: Mount Pearl’s employee recruitment

Located in Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada, the city of Mount Pearl is the second largest city in the province and hires up to 25 temporary employees every year. Until ...
outsourcing IT

Why your SMB should outsource your IT

You've worked nearly 80 hours this week. Waking up before the crack of dawn, rushing from one client meeting to the next, skipping out on lunch because a conference call ...

The ROI domino effect in print shops

Automation in the print shop is not a new concept. For years, printers have been installing new equipment in an effort to automate different segments of their workflows, ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...