Streamlining Processes

Did you know that while numbers vary by industry and sector, the majority of an organization’s documents are still archived in paper form?

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your business processes and re-engineering them with security, sustainability and productivity in mind.

Once we’ve mapped out the flow of information around your business, we can transform physical operations such as print and mailrooms. Or apply intelligent, rules-based workflows to minimise human intervention. And create real-time dashboards so that the entire business has oversight of business process efficiencies.

Using your data intentionally for better insights

There is no doubt that 2020 accelerated the need for businesses to adapt and be resilient like never before. And for many, we learned that the ability to quickly respond ...

IT and finance collaboration brings great results

For finance professionals this isn’t simply about saying yes or no to proposed big ticket IT investments that profess to be a silver bullet for the company’s prospects. D...

The ROI domino effect in print shops

Automation in the print shop is not a new concept. For years, printers have been installing new equipment in an effort to automate different segments of their workflows, ...

Controlling your enterprise print environment

Print environments can vary greatly depending on the size of the organization, communication distribution methods and the business systems that are employed. Print envir...

Small changes have huge impacts at work

Oftentimes, the higher you go in an organization, the more you see of “the big picture,” but the less you see of the details. So what seems like a small change to you may...

SOC 2 compliance and why it’s important

If a colleague in Finance mentions “sock two,” they’re not referring to clothing that’s been lost in the wash. The “SOC” in SOC 2 stands for System and Organization Contr...

Document security in daily business processes

Data drives business. It’s more available today to aid decision making than ever before. This makes it more valuable than ever. As we’ve learned from the seeming multitud...

How a software subscription plan can help

Everybody can compete with a level playing field All print operations are under pressure to be efficient. They are also under pressure to control costs, which means the ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...