Streamlining Processes

Did you know that while numbers vary by industry and sector, the majority of an organization’s documents are still archived in paper form?

Our people-first approach to digital transformation focuses on understanding your business processes and re-engineering them with security, sustainability and productivity in mind.

Once we’ve mapped out the flow of information around your business, we can transform physical operations such as print and mailrooms. Or apply intelligent, rules-based workflows to minimise human intervention. And create real-time dashboards so that the entire business has oversight of business process efficiencies.

A key consideration for your digitization strategy

Printing, scanning, documents and digital workflows. Every organization relies on these processes. But what is the best strategy when it comes to supporting employees wit...

Are you mismanaging your information?

Remember the days when an urgent weekend request from the boss meant having to head into the office to grab files? Or when travelling for work meant grabbing your pile of...

Reassess your plans and reboot for success

Time to refill your cup, folks. It may have been sitting dangerously low for the past year… A year and a half ago, we were looking ahead to a spectacular year full of pr...

The importance of process automation today

Businesses today must do more with less, a lot more in some cases. Put simply, business process automation makes it possible to get more done by reducing manual tasks an...
A document management primer_digitization for SMBs_NC

Document management – digitization for SMBs

Document management systems make a lot of sense for any organization, but never more than now, as digital documents and remote work are table stakes for every day, fricti...

How you can create value through compliance

This article is not meant to convince you of the merits of RFID-blocking wallets and underground bunkers. We all read the security breach headlines, pray for litigation c...

Promoting a safe workplace with screening

HR’s administrative functions are often time consuming and labour intensive when they’re paper-based or reliant on fragmented technology like Excel spreadsheets, shared d...

The digital transformation of Monkhouse Law

Andrew Monkhouse, Managing Partner and Founder of Monkhouse Law, recently shared the story of how his law office became recognized as one of the fastest growing firms in ...

Today is cultural diversity day

May 21st marks the World Day for Cultural Diversity. The United Nations created this day to encourage dialogue about culture to “promote understanding between cultures an...