It was recently established that laws dating back to the XIX th  century and are still in effect forcing the federal government to spend large sums of money printing each new law on higher quality paper. Radio-Canada addressed this issuebecause citizens continually expressed their disappointment at the waste that this obsolete practice entails. Similar legislation may be in effect in other municipal governments in Canada. Because of these laws, the government is wasting a lot of time and money. Voters may not be aware of these laws at the moment, but at some point they will be disappointed to see what is happening in their own community.

Because of these outdated laws, municipal governments may be required to do the following:

  • Print everything on paper. This obligation is very expensive: purchase of printers, ink and paper itself. In addition, paper files have many hidden costs , such as storage and maintenance costs for all files, including files that have not been reviewed for decades.
  • Use different types of paper to print different categories of laws. These different types of paper can be expensive or difficult to obtain.
  • Store all paper files in very specific conditions. These conditions may be difficult to maintain and involve recurring costs.

Because of these requirements, the municipal government loses considerably in efficiency, and they do not benefit any of its employees or voters. For this reason, thousands of paper documents are produced each year, which employees take a long time to consult. In addition, there is the cost of storage, maintenance and insurance for these documents. These factors accumulate very quickly and greatly increase the cost of the full procedure for the municipal administration. 

Become a leader. Adopt a new approach to these laws at the beginning of XXI th  century. Save money and save time while strengthening protection from public relations issues that may arise in the future. Ricoh can provide a comprehensive, personalized GCE solution that has many benefits.

  • All documents will be stored digitally and their retention dates will be incorporated into the system. In this way, you reduce the risk of inadvertently deleting records and assisting your municipal government to comply.
  • Étant donné que ces systèmes seront électroniques, votre administration municipale n’aura plus besoin d’entretenir des locaux d’entreposage, ce qui lui évitera d’assumer des frais d’entretien.
  • La recherche et la récupération de dossiers se fera en quelques secondes plutôt qu’en plusieurs heures parce que les employés n’auront qu’à saisir des mots-clés pour les retracer.
  • L’évolutivité de nos systèmes implique que les administrations municipales ne paieront que l’espace dont elles auront besoin.
  • Les processus administratifs automatisés compatibles avec les appareils mobiles impliquent que les employés pourront travailler à partir de leurs appareils pendant qu’ils seront en déplacement.
  • Nous offrons un service d’assistance technique élaboré afin que l’équipe responsable de la TI de votre administration n’ait pas à se préoccuper d’installer des correctifs chaque semaine comme pour d’autres systèmes informatiques de gestion de cas.

Nous tenons régulièrement à jour nos systèmes pour demeurer à la fine pointe. Les sociétés font appel à nos services pour manipuler leur dossier depuis des années, et une centaine d’administrations municipales au Canada profitent des avantages que nos solutions offrent. Malheureusement, certaines administrations municipales ont tardé à adopter des pratiques modernes de gestion des dossiers. Ne restez pas accrochés au passé. Il est temps pour votre administration municipale de passer au XXIe siècle grâce à Ricoh.

Talk to a Ricoh representative about how to go digital. .