Today, many modern universities run internship programs to provide students with valuable work experience during their studies. This is a very important experience for students. On the other hand, these internship programs are inefficient and difficult to decipher since no effective protocol has yet been established. Ricoh can help you streamline these procedures so that students get the best experience possible.

Internship programs offer a number of benefits to students such as obtaining work experience, cross-curricular skills, networking, etc.

On the other hand, these programs can be a source of frustration and pose some difficulties:

  • Some schools still post job postings on physical bulletin boards. This means that students will not be aware of the jobs offered if they are not on campus watching the tables. In addition, some students may miss work opportunities, not because they are not qualified enough, but because other students have seen the offers before them on the bulletin boards.
  • The goal of a university internship is to get help from your school to find professional opportunities. On the other hand, in many cases, schools leave students to cope with application and interview procedures, forcing them to travel to multiple locations for these interviews. These trips can be expensive or can prevent students from attending some of their classes or meeting with their teachers.
  • There may be different systems in place for employers and employees, which can be confusing. A simple difference in time zone can result in a missed interview, a frustrated employer, and a devastated student.

Ricoh pointed to similar problems in its working relationship with 100 graduate schools across Canada. Given our commitment to building the future, we are quickly looking for the best ways to deal with such situations.

We recognize that schools establish internship programs for the many benefits it brings and we want to ensure that they reap the benefits of their efforts in preparing students for the next stage of their lives.

  • A secure web portal allows employers and students to communicate. Through this portal, employers can post job opportunities and students can apply for the desired position.
  • Grâce aux formulaires Web dynamiques, les employeurs peuvent s’assurer de seulement passer en entrevue les candidats qu’ils désirent embaucher.
  • Les employeurs peuvent offrir aux étudiants le choix d’une case horaire dans le système intégré de calendrier pour une entrevue. Les employeurs sont aussi capables d’ajouter des informations à propos de l’entrevue, comme le type d’entrevue (par conversation vidéo, en personne, par téléphone, etc.) et les exigences de l’entrevue. Lorsqu’une case horaire est attribuée à l’étudiant, ce dernier est avisé à l’aide d’un courriel généré automatiquement. Lorsqu’il accepte la case horaire, l’employeur sera avisé de la mise à jour.
  • Les administrateurs scolaires, y compris les enseignants, peuvent être informés des activités inhérentes aux stages des étudiants et ces derniers peuvent aviser leurs enseignants s’ils ne peuvent pas assister à un cours pour faire une entrevue.

Les programmes de stages sont d’excellentes occasions pour les étudiants de s’améliorer et pour une université d’améliorer sa réputation. Ricoh peut vous aider à créer un procédé interactif, simple et facile. Appelez-nous dès maintenant pour prendre rendez-vous!

Finally, please note that Ricoh does not provide
legal advice or ensure compliance with any laws,
regulations, bylaws or other
legislative requirements by the content of this communication.
It is
the university’s responsibility to seek the advice of competent legal counsel to
ensure compliance with such requirements.


Contact a Ricoh representative to find out how to optimize your internship application process. Contact us by email at: .