Votre technologie doit être aussi unique que vos élèves!

Across Canada, dedicated public servants volunteer their time and expertise to serve on school boards. As anyone who knows our education network can tell you, every school has... Lire la suite

Aimer son travail

La plus grande valeur d’une entreprise, d’un pays et même de la Terre, est l’imagination de ses employés et de ses habitants. Grâce à la réflexion créative et à la collaborati... Lire la suite

Voie de la santé numérique

Michael Burgoyne, National Senior Advisor, Healthcare Sales to Ricoh Canada answers questions about digital health trends, the broken promise of the Electronic Prescription En... Lire la suite

Une transition harmonieuse pour des élèves (et des parents) de bonne humeur!

The documentary trace that follows the student as he passes from primary school to middle school or from middle school to high school can reach a mile in length. It is a sourc... Lire la suite

L’efficacité passe par la sous-traitance

Companies around the world have realized the importance of outsourcing for certain tasks. However, law firms have largely lagged behind, most likely due to issues of confident... Lire la suite

Suivre l’évolution des progrès technologiques

In the last ten years, the world has experienced a technological revolution. Every day sees the invention of tools and technologies, making it difficult for organizations to k... Lire la suite

Une politique claire sur la conservation des documents est primordiale

You expect law firms, more than any other business, to understand the importance of clear policies and procedures. Every day, employees of a company are faced with the need to... Lire la suite

Optimiser l’admission dans l’ère numérique

For hundreds or thousands of Canadian students, the first step in making their transition to adulthood, and ultimately to the labor market, is the admission process to univers... Lire la suite

Actions charitables au travail : Comment Ricoh redonne

À Ricoh, nous croyons fortement à redonner à la société. À l’échelle de l’entreprise, nous adorons travailler avec des organismes de bienfaisance comme Centraide et la Société... Lire la suite

Comment Ricoh peut-il aider les conseils scolaires à demeurer conformes

From large multinationals to smaller boards, regulatory compliance is important for all institutions. If organizations become non-compliant, they may face heavy fines. In addi... Lire la suite