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Tag: Écoles primaires et secondaires

Arrondissement scolaire 23 — Adopter la technologie pour un avenir meilleur

L’éducation est la plate-forme qui permet aux jeunes adultes de se construire un meilleur avenir pour eux-mêmes, leur famille et leur pays. Selon une recherche d’IDC, la numér... Lire la suite

Un conseil scolaire qui se démarque sur le plan technologique

A school board that stands out on the technological front   Ricoh can help you optimize your processes and make you known in your area as a school board that stands out. In ... Lire la suite

Laissez à votre service de TI le temps de souffler

Often, a school may have only a few people in its IT department (if it has one). Ricoh offers customized solutions to provide in-depth support that helps ease the workload of ... Lire la suite

Rendez-vous d’orientation sans stress

For many students, school can be very stressful. Especially for shy or socially anxious students; having to go to the guidance counselor can add stress. Even worse, in some sc... Lire la suite

Les Avantages Ricoh por les Enseignants

Teachers do not have the easy task. They work long hours and are not often thanked for their work. In addition, many teachers spend their free time recording work and finding ... Lire la suite

Votre technologie doit être aussi unique que vos élèves!

Across Canada, dedicated public servants volunteer their time and expertise to serve on school boards. As anyone who knows our education network can tell you, every school has... Lire la suite